A day in the life…

A shopkeeper Proscovia Mutesi, 21, is a fulltime shopkeeper in Kanombe, opposite Kigali’s International Airport. She wakes up at 5:30am, takes a bath, has tea then goes to her shop where she spends her entire day.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A shopkeeper

Proscovia Mutesi, 21, is a fulltime shopkeeper in Kanombe, opposite Kigali’s International Airport. She wakes up at 5:30am, takes a bath, has tea then goes to her shop where she spends her entire day.She tells Society Magazine how her day goes."I get to the shop usually at 6:30am. I clean it up and then open for business. During the morning hours, customers who come are those who want breakfast snacks like bread and so on. But the number isn’t usually that big. Save for Wednesday mornings when women come to buy water on their way to a nearby church. They say it’s blessed from church and after they take it to their homes.”As the day matures, Mutesi definitely reaches a point when she gets bored as there are few clients trickling in. But at lunch time and evenings, she gets so busy that by the time she’s going home after work, she’s heading straight to bed."On average the money I make in a day is Rwf30,000. Some days I make over Rwf50,000, but on average I make about Rwf30,000,” she says.Its from this money that her boss manages to pay her salary and all the shop’s daily expenses. Most definitely, the shop means a lot to her.