When some pastors sell blessings and prayers

I know Pastors are human and sometimes they make mistakes too, but if the mistakes are calculated then there’s cause for alarm! I first heard of pastors in a neighboring country who blessed their parishioners according to the size of their wallets.

Thursday, January 10, 2013
Martin Bishopu2019s Black Diary

I know Pastors are human and sometimes they make mistakes too, but if the mistakes are calculated then there’s cause for alarm! I first heard of pastors in a neighboring country who blessed their parishioners according to the size of their wallets. But I brushed it off as a bad joke but silently prayed that if it’s true, may the Creator of all souls have mercy on them and protect us from such wolves in sheep clothing.I don’t know if God chose to ignore my prayers or there’s a lesson he’s trying to teach us. Just a few months after the ‘Prayer for fee’ tale. I witnessed a similar version only ‘live’ this time and in my own neighborhood.Invited by a friend to fellowship from his church I was amazed during the time of offerings and tithe, the pastor called all those who put 500,000 Rwanda francs in the envelops (they give an envelop to every soul that enters the church)  to come forward. Three women and one man came, He laid his hands on their heads one at a time and prayed and blessed them for a couple of minutes, and then called those of four, three and two hundred thousands, prayed and blessed them too.As for the rest (that included me) he  lifted his hand and like someone throwing left-over’s to a scrawny dogs said ‘Pokeya’ a Swahili word for ‘receive’."Those who are faithful in giving serious -tithes and offerings will be immensely blessed financially.” he said.For the first in a long time I felt segregated! I know man eateth where he worketh but isn’t it wrong using Gods name, especially in his house? How about the financial division you are creating?  who will bridge it? I strongly believe we cannot manipulate our God into giving us prosperity by following some magic recipe. It is wrong to commercialise the Word of God.  I believe healing, deliverance and others can only be done by God and people should not be cheated by these fake pastors that they can perform such miracles. A genuine pastor will not charge anyone for prayers. Prayers are for free and not for a fee.