Would you stay with a One Minute Man?

No one is perfect Saying that marrying a ‘one minute man’ is abomination is like saying that a man is entirely defined by their sexual capabilities.  Marriage entails several things and sex is just a component that spices up the institution.

Thursday, January 10, 2013
DOreen UMutesi

No one is perfect

Saying that marrying a ‘one minute man’ is abomination is like saying that a man is entirely defined by their sexual capabilities.  Marriage entails several things and sex is just a component that spices up the institution. What is the essence of getting married to a man that will batter you countless times just because the sex is good? I don’t see why a woman cannot go ahead and get married to the man of her dreams just because he is not perfect in bed. Traditionally, a couple is not supposed to indulge in any sexual activity before they get married. So what happens if you are already married and discover he is a one minute man? Does that mean that you will seek for divorce? Hell no!It’s extremely hard to predict one’s future when it comes to their sexual libido. Today he or she maybe at the peak of their game and tomorrow due to psychological issues the libido will be so down.  The most important aspect in dealing with such a drastic change is if the couple can openly speak about the existing sexual issues, whether they are already married or they are planning to settle down. Communication is always a key to a successful relationship.  If a couple is unable to talk about issues, openly then the relationship is doomed; not even extremely good sex can make it survive.By the way, in this day and era there are trained personnel who help out in dealing with such matter.  If his sexual issueis affecting the marriage, I don’t see why he can’t seek help from a therapist.  If a study is to be carried out and married people were asked the one thing they love about their partners, I doubt if their first response would be about their sexual appeal. I recently stumbled upon a website know as ageuk, and three couples who had celebrated over 30years of marriage were each asked to give the secret to a successful marriage and their response left me mesmerised. The first couple said that ‘Never go to sleep on an argument’, then the second couple said that ‘It’s about give and take and trust’ and the third couple said that ‘A sense of humour is important’. The above comment shows that if a couple can harmonise their marriage then the sex can never be a problem.