Fashion: Cutting off your long locks

Short hair is all the rage There was a time when women with short hair or bald heads were called ‘Tom Boys’ but now the style is considered classic and graceful to many women and girls. According to a mini survey conducted in Kigali city recently, it seemed to me that there is more than one reason woman opt for short hair. Lots of women told me that short hair gives then youthful and chic look; others confessed that they are being influenced by the western celebrities.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Trend setters: Clockwise from top left: Naomi Campbell, Rihana, Mary Gahonzire, Katie Holmes, Aisa Kirabo, Catie

Short hair is all the rage

There was a time when women with short hair or bald heads were called ‘Tom Boys’ but now the style is considered classic and graceful to many women and girls.

According to a mini survey conducted in Kigali city recently, it seemed to me that there is more than one reason woman opt for short hair.

Lots of women told me that short hair gives then youthful and chic look; others confessed that they are being influenced by the western celebrities.

Others still claim its easier to maintain while there are those whose hair itself leaves them little choice but to wear it short.

Josephine Umurerwa says a short hair style can dramatically change the way you feel and look. It can boost your confidence, make you look younger, and reduce the amount of time and money you spend on hair care, she adds.

According to Cindy Kalisa who has a boyish cut: "A nice hair cut can help you achieve a fabulous look that suits your own unique looks, and to also create your personal lifestyle.”

A 29-year-old single career Sandra Murigatete says she was forced by circumstances to cut off her hair.

"I had very nice and admirable hair, but because of my busy schedule at office, I could hardly get time to visit the salon, and the only alternative was to go for a boyish cut. Thank God it has worked for me.”

This trend is worn by women of any age or social group: older women, young ladies, working class and even housewives.

However, the general consensus was that older women in particular should go for shorter haircuts; the longer the hair the more visible the wrinkles.

The style can help them look younger.Many claim that short hair helps get rid of dandruff. Cut short, hair is more likely to be soft and manageable.

"My hair used to drive me crazy with frustration. It was thin and unhealthy, so I went on rampage and trimmed it off, leaving only a few inches,” explained Chantelle Nyinawagaga.

Jessica Batamuriza laments that she tried shampoos that said would help her hair grow. She tried products like Rogaine and Procepia but nothing worked and to add insult to injury she also developed terrible dandruffs on her skin scalps.

"I then visited a certain specialist who advised me to cut my hair shorter, and now it looks fine.”

What’s right for you?

There the bob, shag, bang, pixie, layers, perm, sedu and curls… Choosing the right hairstyle can be fun, though sometimes difficult. The chosen style should match the features of your face.

Short hair particular suits longer, thinner faces. But be wary of cutting of those locks if your neck is kind of stubby! Normally, women with pussycat faces look great with boyish haircuts.
