Five things she does that make me think twice about going home

Assuming I know what she wants me to do She has a ‘to-do’ list for me but she doesn’t say a word as she leaves. All I ever hear  is, “honey, enjoy your day.”

Wednesday, January 09, 2013
When she finds nothing is done, the silent treatment kicks in Net photo.

Assuming I know what she wants me to doShe has a ‘to-do’ list for me but she doesn’t say a word as she leaves. All I ever hear  is, "honey, enjoy your day.”  And yet the first thing she does when she gets back is check if I have what I ‘was supposed to do’. If I haven’t then the silent treatment kicks in.Over-SharingI am aware of the stereotype that says men never open up about their feelings. Thing is, sometimes opening up to her also means opening up to her sister, her mother or even her roommate. Men value loyalty and confidentiality but women just want to keep sharing.RSVP-ing for usAny man can relate to the following scenario. You’re on your way home from work, imagining the weekend ahead…the relaxation, the freedom. Then you arrive home, only to learn that you have plans. Magical plans because, it seems, they have appeared out of the blue.Fast-forwarding to the futureWomen enjoy imagining the future. The story as it will be as opposed to the story that is right now. That can be a wonderful, romantic quality. It can also be an irritating, annoying quality. Overlooking our quiet acts of thoughtfulnessI know it’s disappointing that I am not great at expressing myself verbally (and am working on that.) But in the same vein, I am disappointed that she can’t seem to acknowledge the nonverbal acts of caring that I perform. Like making her tea or staying up late to make sure she arrived home safely from her friend’s party and many more.