5 Ways To Improve Your Guy’s Wardrobe

•Add new items one piece at a time. Start slowly. You aren’t going to change him into a fashion plate overnight. Focus on one offending aspect of his wardrobe at a time.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

•Add new items one piece at a time. Start slowly. You aren’t going to change him into a fashion plate overnight. Focus on one offending aspect of his wardrobe at a time.•Shop with purpose. It’s a clichéthat men don’t like shopping. They love shopping for electronics, gadgets, action figures, and even, occasionally, clothes. What they don’t love is the endless browsing, or going to the store without a purpose. •Encourage his interests. If he’s totally clueless, point out labels you like in magazines or while watching TV. Show him a photo of a well-dressed celebrity, and tell him he’d look good in the same jacket.•Find something you love about his style, and run with it. Do you love that he has converse in every colour of the rainbow? Do you love that he wears soft cashmere sweaters? Tell your guy this. Compliment him.•Pick your battles. Even if you end up completely changing his wardrobe, let him keep something that he likes.www.guyspeak.com