Editorial: Women Today

The Women Today team welcomes you to this week’s magazine. Our sole goal is to give a voice to Rwanda’s women by offering a place where their interests come first. Thereby ensuring that their achievements are celebrated, and their challenges tackled.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

The Women Today team welcomes you to this week’s magazine. Our sole goal is to give a voice to Rwanda’s women by offering a place where their interests come first. Thereby ensuring that their achievements are celebrated, and their challenges tackled.Rwandan women have begun to take up jobs that have been traditionally seen as men’s. This week, we interview 21-year old taxi conductor Clementine Uwamahirwe. She is a determined example of the indomitable spirit of the Rwandan woman As always, our very own Dr. Rachna Pande, an expert in internal medicine, is here to give us all an expert view on women’s health issues. Are you the kind of person to come home, straight from work and plop in front of the television to watch an interesting series? Or perhaps you are the type to sip some tea and quietly enjoy a book instead? Well, if you are, turn to page six and see the suggestions we have.