The secret life of .... Protais Musoni, Minister of Local Government.

What time do you wake up? Around 4:30a.m. How do you start your day? After waking up, I do physical exercises. I normally skip.  And as I’m cooling off, I do my daily writing.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

What time do you wake up?

Around 4:30a.m.

How do you start your day?

After waking up, I do physical exercises. I normally skip.  And as I’m cooling off, I do my daily writing.

What is your favourite breakfast?

I love fruit. I take a glass of orange or lemon juice accompanied by yellow bananas.

If you had a chance to meet God, what would you tell him?

I would tell Him that He is marvelous!

Do you have children?

I have six children.

What are your plans after retiring?

I intend to construct a good farm and write books.

What did you play as a child?

I used to play basketball, American handball and chess.

What is your favourite item in your wardrobe?


What have you failed at?

Almost everyday there are failures but I pick lessons from each. I consider failure as call for change and of course as positive way for improvement.

Which singer would you wish to compose a song about your life?

Kenny Rogers.

Did you dream of being a minister?

I had never! I really enjoy listening to his music

Your childhood dream?

To be a great wealthy farmer.

To whom would you most wish to say sorry, and why?

Probably my wife and the entire family. I’m always busy with work and hardly get enough time to be with them.

You’re great at…

Looking for solutions for the existing problems.

What is the most recent thing you bought for yourself?

A bull.

What is the moment that changed your life?

In 1982 when the then government expelled Rwandan refugees from their country.

What is your favourite drink?

Red wine.

What is your favourite place?

My office, that’s where I spend most of my time.
