Dr. Mbukani’s demise a big loss to the nation

It is so sad how an innocent life is taken. It is both a loss to the family and the country in general. Dr Radjabu Mbukani served young Rwandans by training them to provide medical care to the Rwandan people and at the same time used his skills to attend to patients at CHUK (Kigali Central Teaching Hospital).

Tuesday, January 08, 2013
A man points to a thicket where the body of the late Dr. Radjabu Mbukani was found. The New Times / John Mbanda

It is so sad how an innocent life is taken. It is both a loss to the family and the country in general. Dr Radjabu Mbukani served young Rwandans by training them to provide medical care to the Rwandan people and at the same time used his skills to attend to patients at CHUK (Kigali Central Teaching Hospital).

We all lost a valuable life. I would like to request The New Times and other media houses, to make sure you follow up with this trial because we need to know its outcome and make sure the real culprits are punished for their insane acts. Let justice prevail! RIP Mbukani.Paul, Kigali  *******************************************************It's too sad to lose such an innocent, young and briliant African. But what's puzzling me is that most cases of spouses or relative/son/father killing the other have prior information on such conflicts be it by the police or by the local authorities. What should really be done to prevent such killings particularly by exploiting such prior information given to the concerned authorities? I guess something has to be done by the police! To this effect, I would suggest that whoever utters words like ‘I will kill you’ should closely be monitored and, if need be, get charged in the courts of law and sentenced, accordingly. By the time they come back from prison, who knows he/she may have repented.Robert Ssali, Kigali*******************************************************This is sad news. How could have that happened when the police and local authorities have already received information from the deceased man? I think when someone alerts police or local authorities about life threats, it should be taken seriously and something done right away. Police should not simply ignore life threat reports. Take it seriously.Alex, KigaliReaction to yesterday’s story "How Doctor Mbukani was murdered”