Nyamagabe district gets modern shopping mall

A group of businessmen in Nyamagabe district have pooled resources to build a modern shopping mall at Kabacuzi cell in Gasaka sector.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013
Some of the buildings that will be demolished to give way for the mall. The New Times / T. Kisambira.

A group of businessmen in Nyamagabe district have pooled resources to build a modern shopping mall at Kabacuzi cell in Gasaka sector. Immaculée Mukarwego, the vice-mayor in charge of economic affairs, said the mall would be set up by 14 local businessmen under a co-operative society, the Nyamagabe Development Company, to undertake the project. "This presents them great opportunities to grow their businesses and contribute to the district’s development,” she said, adding that the district council would decide on whether to join the venture on January 19.She said the members of the co-operative would contribute Rwf15m each, noting that they had also approached the Bank of Kigali to help fund the project. Mukarwego said the current occupants of the market will only be part of the venture if they join the co-operative. Emmanuel Mureramanzi, the chairman of the committee spearheading the project, said they were still waiting for the district authorities’ decision to start construction works."We are ready to start the works, but we shall first wait for the district leaders’ decision on whether to join us,” he said in a telephone interview.Nyamagabe is part of the former Gikongoro prefecture and was the poorest part in the area. However, over the past decade, Nyamagabe town has undergone full transformation, with several commercial buildings and hotels being set up. The proximity to Nyungwe National Park also boosted its fortunes, thanks to the revenues generated from tourists and related activities.