YOU see, we are born in an environment where nothing ever seems completely right, so many things bother us; temptations, tests, problems, name them. And so we are left with no alternative, but to get involved in a variety of deeds to prevent or at least minimise their effect.
YOU see, we are born in an environment where nothing ever seems completely right, so many things bother us; temptations, tests, problems, name them. And so we are left with no alternative, but to get involved in a variety of deeds to prevent or at least minimise their effect.And usually, the supply of these problems or shortcomings is limitless, working ourselves off seems like the only way of dealing with them such as wake up before dawn, toil till late in the night.Even after some victories, sitting back in jubilation or relaxation is a bad idea, because what one did may be undone or left un-improved ,and this is usually the beginning of down fall a lot achieved and a lot more yet to be achieved.It’s clear, that one of the universal laws of success is never to say "I have done enough”. A person with an attitude of accomplishment never gets satisfied, they are always thirsty, yearning to fix messes, and every stage of improvement or accomplishment gives them untold joy and self-confidence. Doing things differently is the reason they stand out, time after time, they are self motivated, and never wait for their superiors for duty allocation, instinct always tells them what to do. Fixing problems is their passion, favorite pastime, they are never worried or overwhelmed by undesirable circumstances, with assurance that somewhere at the back of their minds there is a solution.Proudly, they posses open minds, their mental curtains always lowered in reception of fresh ideas; their minds are seasoned travelers, always on a walk in search of a new way of doing things. Thrown in any situation, they can survive, every environment is familiar territory, and they can make it here and there. Like a convertible car, they can adjust to suit another purpose.Before venturing into situations, they usually stand at a distance, look at things from various angles with eagle eyes. With this objective view, they are able to fix the faults or oddities found.They are not ordinary thinkers, not your usual pleasure seeking folks, they take more delight in pain than pleasure, as they are certain of one thing pain is usually the gate way to most good things .Most of them never have time for idle talk or deeds; they are out to do things that add value to their heads, and every minute of their lives is subject to thorough accountability, sure that the time they have on earth is brief, but still have to leave a positive mark on their respective societies. The word "rest” doesn’t exist in their lingua-franca, always on the move, addicted to the hustle, folding sleeves and getting their hands soiled seems to give them much more meaning.Because they hate the ordinary order of doing things, they try to venture into unexplored territory by taking the less travelled paths .And this is when fresh solutions are discovered that impact positively on their societies and themselves. Like any other people, they are faced by so many distractions, turns and twists, so many things try to divert them from their supposed target, however, their zeal does not die, they are determined to keep their eyes on the horizon ,they are out to make it to zenith.