Dr Mbukani will be missed dearly

Editor, Dr Radjabu Mbukani was among the 11 surgeons who held a successful clinic at Ruhengeri Hospital in March 2006 during which 160 low-income women received fistula repair surgery.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Editor,Dr Radjabu Mbukani was among the 11 surgeons who held a successful clinic at Ruhengeri Hospital in March 2006 during which 160 low-income women received fistula repair surgery. African women, especially from war-torn environments, are the majority of three million people currently living with this painful and stigmatised affliction. Consequently the loss of one highly-skilled doctor in this field impacts the healing process.Margaret S. Maringa, Baltimore (US)

-----------------------------------------------Editor,This is a sad day to all healthy professionals. Dr Radjabu Mbukani indeed participated extensively in the management of Fistula patients. His services will be missed by many; he has been giving hope back to all isolated cases of fistula not only in Rwandans but the entire region. It’s a diversion of reality; the killer (s) must be pinned. May GOD Rest him in eternal peace.Dr John Kalach, Kigali

(Reactions to the story, Varsity lecturer found dead in Kigali, Saturday Times, December 5)