Integration: Emphasise regional trade

Editor, Blood relations in the region are already proven. The next step is TRADE. Emptying our stock before rats infest our warehouses, letting go and taking risk in regional trade.

Sunday, January 06, 2013
Trucks cross the Rwanda-Tanzania border of Rusumo. The New Times / File.

Editor,Blood relations in the region are already proven. The next step is TRADE. Emptying our stock before rats infest our warehouses, letting go and taking risk in regional trade. Even twins fight over money. The art of trade is key to maintaining any relationship. Uganda has been championing that alone for a while. Kenya and Rwanda have joined as Mr Ndahiro points out. They need others to join in to gain more weight.Ali, Rotterdam--------------------------------Editor,What about the African leaders who have lined their pockets to the detriment of their own people? To continually blame the former colonies for the woeful mismanagement and greed of so-called "Great men” is to be blind to the real problem. For every Mandela there are half a dozen corrupt tyrants each with their own Akazu (inner circle)!Kevin Hartley, UK---------------------------------Editor,Mountaineers have a proverb "ngoro iriaga kiria ikwenda” meaning that the human heart (unlike the human body) cannot be adjusted to accept and thrive on whatever "menu” happens to be available (political marriages). This truth applies most visibly among chronic polygamists. Behind those ever-expanding harems there is only one Taj Mahal which is never brokered or shared.Margaret S. Maringa, Baltimore (US)