I hate people who…

…make stale jokes about the new year. I am really looking for a physical way of reminding some people that their jokes are just plain boring. For example shouldn’t it be legal to punch someone in the throat if they walk to you and talk about how they last saw you last year as if that is a funny joke?

Saturday, January 05, 2013

…make stale jokes about the new year.I am really looking for a physical way of reminding some people that their jokes are just plain boring. For example shouldn’t it be legal to punch someone in the throat if they walk to you and talk about how they last saw you last year as if that is a funny joke? Yes, it is 2013 but pretending that 2012 is very far from where we are is just plain boring. It is just last week anyway and not a whole 12 months ago. So please if you do not have funny things just do what I do – keep your mouth shut and move on. …constantly talk about how broke they are in January. Can

someone here explain to me why I should not hate these stupidly lazy people who have failed to come up with better things to share? I am talking about those who have made it a habit to always cry about how broke they are simply because it is January. So have you just noticed that every calendar has January listed as a month too? So why pretend that you know didn’t know that you still had to pay rent and other bills. Or maybe you mistook the December holiday to also be a tax holiday of some sorts where all your other bills are waived. No please. January also comes with bills so do not give it as a reason for your brokenness. …think it is cool to talk about Kim Kardashian.I really don’t give a damn what goes on in this woman’s life and since she does not even know me then I see no point in focusing on her. Instead, I seriously hate all the idle people who are always talking about her and expecting me to give them audience when they are spewing all this nonsense. The talk about her getting pregnant is also very sickening since it must be obvious by now that when a man and woman who are normal sleep together it is very likely that the woman will get pregnant. What is unlikely is for you to sound useful by talking about this woman’s pregnancy. Get a hobby please.   …think it is cool to grow their little pinkie finger nail. I cannot

think of a more annoying habit as we come to the end of this year. Seriously why would someone think it is cool to trim all their nails and leave the pinkie little finger nail to grow to about an inch? I think there is more than an inch of stupidity for these people. Whenever I come across these jokers I just assume they had a mental abortion at some point in life. What do you even use that long nail for? Do you use it as a ‘toothpick’ to remove Sombe or meat particles from your teeth or what? Surely instead of the world ending, such people should just volunteer and leave us in peace. …remix the resolutions they make. There is nothing as annoying

as people who always say they have made New Year’s resolutions yet in the actually sense they are simply talking about the same things they had promised to work on in the last year or the year before. Some people have been resolving to quit smoking at the beginning of every year but going on to smoke throughout the year. If you have failed to achieve your resolutions at least you new one should be to simply shut up and stay alive. We were really never interested in them anyway.  Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to         thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293

The Hater