Obese people are a burden

THIS is not funny anymore: What is considered to be the greatest nation in the World, the USA, is also seen by other not-so-polite peoples of the world as just a country filled with egotistical fat people whose only concern is if McDonalds is open late: according to this school of thought, this great nation prides itself in over stuffing its people, because throwing away or even giving away food to the needy is not only unheard-of but also blasphemous in that culture.

Saturday, January 05, 2013
Moses Opobo

THIS is not funny anymore: What is considered to be the greatest nation in the World, the USA, is also seen by other not-so-polite peoples of the world as just a country filled with egotistical fat people whose only concern is if McDonalds is open late: according to this school of thought, this great nation prides itself in over stuffing its people, because throwing away or even giving away food to the needy is not only unheard-of but also blasphemous in that culture. Instead of spending its resources on solving world problems, the US instead spends said resources on big burgers and pizza. After all, how can any civilisation survive for thousands of years without consuming fast-food and Coca-cola?Obese people are in a sense useless to society, their full-time job being stuffing their bellies and taking up valuable sidewalk space. These people create problems for the world. They are generally portrayed as lazy, so then they don’t get jobs. If they don’t have a job then the economy gets worse because they aren’t working and will become homeless and destitute. Also, by being obese and without a job, they can get sick and need to be treated, but with no way to pay for it which is another dent in the economy. Obese people need to change. They need to stop being lazy and get skinnier. Thankfully, there is a solution to help the obese along. The solution is for the obese to starve themselves by super gluing their mouth shut. The super glue is so they don’t give in to temptation to eat; it’s challenging to starve oneself, so the super glue is there to help. This solution will not only help obese people, but the economy too.This proposal is satirical and in being so, is intended to attract you to review what you’ve been saying and thinking about obese people. Actually, I’m told the politically correct word is "full-bodied people”, not "obese.” This article is saying the exact opposite of the message that needs to get across. The overall message is to stop judging obese people.With energy costs ever rising, we are in a desperate need of a solution to provide every single human being with free energy. After deep meditation and contemplation, I have managed to come up with a very ingenious solution. This solution has the potential to rid us of all those pesky gluttons, provide free energy for every one of us to enjoy, free up valuable space for our evening walks, and even support the economy. In fact, this plan may have too much potential but by following these instructions will diminish the probability of failure.