How to be an achiever in 2013

Welcome to 2013! I am sure many of us have set New Year’s resolutions. Some have vowed to build houses and get saved from the menace of monthly rent.

Saturday, January 05, 2013
Robert Bake

Welcome to 2013! I am sure many of us have set New Year’s resolutions. Some have vowed to build houses and get saved from the menace of monthly rent. Others feel they must wed. There are those who have resolved to get out of debt, those who want visas to travel to other countries and others who want to start income-generating activities.  Think of Obama, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, or any other great achiever. None of them reached where they are by accident. You could even go to the past and dig out achievers like Shakespeare, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mother Theresa and others. You won’t find any who achieved by chance. Achievement results from the efforts put into the right activities at the right time. I have come to discover that there are some characteristics evident in the lives of all achievers and thus, for us to make a difference this year, we can borrow a leaf from them. You can know these traits by just observing a few people you consider successful. Allow me share 3 keys that I feel will set you on the road to achievement in 2013. Divine connectionTo  become an achiever, you must be doing what fulfills the purpose for which you were created. What utilises the divinity in you. What makes you employ your talents. Something you have a passion for and enjoy doing. It’s wastage of time trying to do well something you shouldn’t be doing. For instance if you were created to become a great actor/actress but you are trying music, it won’t work.Divine relocationAfter discovering your purpose, the next thing is to do all it takes to move from where you have been to where you want to go. That’s why I call it re-location. There’s shifting. The failure-mindset is replaced by the success mindset. You have to change friends, change what you read, watch or listen to, change the places you hang out and change your habits.Divine disobedience

This means disobeying every limiting theory, tradition, belief, culture or thought. An achiever is someone willing to take the risk of doing things differently. You don’t have to do things like everyone else. Don’t let your life be determined by someone else’s way of doing things. Tap into your uniqueness. This year, come up with new ideas that none of the people you know has implemented.These keys have transformed my life, work and career. When I decided to write my first book, some friends laughed at how I even thought of publishing at my young age. Now I have a dozen publications that are seriously selling all over the world. When I said I was going to register a company at the age of 27, people laughed again. But today, WORLD OF INSPIRATION is transforming lives of millions of people.This year hold onto your dreams and act on them, daily. Be warned that there are many people who have lived and died with good plans, but never put them into action. If you want to be an achiever this year, be a man/woman of action. Don’t push to tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination should be one of the words you left in 2012. Bake is the managing director of WORLD OF INSPIRATION & Founder of the Authors’ Forum in Uganda.