Detoxify after merrymaking for better health

OVERINDULGING during the festive season is a favourite pastime for many. Like most of you, I overindulged and now I am paying the price. I am feeling bloated and a little bit overweight. So, to start my year feeling healthier, I am now on a seven-day detox regimen.

Saturday, January 05, 2013
Fruits and vegetables are naturally rich in antioxidants.

OVERINDULGING during the festive season is a favourite pastime for many. Like most of you, I overindulged and now I am paying the price. I am feeling bloated and a little bit overweight. So, to start my year feeling healthier, I am now on a seven-day detox regimen.Vegetable juicesI love taking detox juices any time. Juicing speeds up the detoxification process, removing toxins and hardened deposits in the body. The juice of organic vegetables will not only speed up the process of detoxification, it will flood your body with enzymes, vitamins and minerals for quick absorption and greatly benefit the immune system because it is rich in nutrients. As the cells of your body are bathed in these fresh, alkaline vegetable juices, they begin to release acids, which are toxins that can then be removed through the elimination channels of the body i.e. the lungs, kidneys, skin etc. Juicing provides a rich source of live enzymes essential to the digestive process. Enzymes are proteins that break down foods into nutrients your body can readily digest. When you eat, digestive enzymes are released from your saliva glands, sending signals to the stomach and small intestine in preparation for digestion. In return the bowel is loosened and one goes to answer the call of nature without any struggle.FoodsAfter eating all the possible junk foods, it’s time to eat healthy. Eat foodsrich in fiber, fruits and vegetables which are naturally rich in antioxidants. Try not to eat processed food like ham, beef, and pork as they are rich in fats and sugar. Instead, eat loads of whole grain food. For those of us who partake in drinks that are not necessarily water need to take a break from alcohol. If the urge to drink is too great after the first week, then go for red wine as it is rich in antioxidants. Drink plenty of water – at least 8 glasses per day.Physical exerciseI am not an exercise loving person. So, I make sure I walk to and from work every day. On weekends, I spend my free time swimming. Thirty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a day, such as walking or cycling, will help you to get rid of those excess Christmas pounds, as well as having a vast range of other health benefits. Exercise is good for your heart, lungs, muscles and bones, as well as improving your mood and giving you a sense of wellbeing. And since most people become nocturnal during the festive season, it is time to get enough sleep. Remember, a normal person should sleep for at least 8 hours a day.Detox is not about going to the extreme in order to get the results that you need. After the detox you will feel lighter and have more energy to face the rest of the year. Happy New Year!