Rwanda’s focus on women empowerment enables many to excel

Editor,I read with keen interest the article titled “The women achievers of 2012” in The New Times edition of Thursday, December 3, 2013. It is very encouraging to see so many dynamic, talented and enterprising women bring out the true “beauty “ of Rwanda across various sectors.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Editor,I read with keen interest the article titled "The women achievers of 2012” in The New Times edition of Thursday, December 3, 2013. It is very encouraging to see so many dynamic, talented and enterprising women bring out the true "beauty " of Rwanda across various sectors.Whether it is Clarisse Iribagiza, the young CEO of Hehe Ltd, the Hon. Dr. Agnes Kalibata, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Clare Akamanzi , the acting CEO of the Rwanda Development Board  or any of the other achievers listed in your article, we must remember that it is the Government of Rwanda’s strong focus on "women empowerment”, which has enabled many to excel on the international arena.Wishing all the women achievers of 2012 the very best in the New Year and also looking forward to seeing many more young and talented women make their mark in this beautiful land of a thousand hills and a million smiles in the year 2013!Clarence Fernandes