BCR Open showdown excites golfers

Which pairing goes down in Kigali Golf Club’s history books as the first winners of the BCR Open will be known at the end of today’s inaugural event.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Which pairing goes down in Kigali Golf Club’s history books as the first winners of the BCR Open will be known at the end of today’s inaugural event.

Golfers were drawn in pairs for this particular event and according to the tournament rules; the pair with the least score at the end of the day takes the top prize.

Although any one of the club’s big household names like Rajan Tiwari, Steven Katwiremu, Charles Ntare, Jack Kayonga and Marcel Byusa has a genuine chance of achieving the top prize alongside their partner, the event could provide more surprises than expected.

A total of 60 local golfers are in contention at the 18-hole event. The first pair is scheduled to tee off at 8 am and the last one tees off at 11:15 am.

BCR, who are one of Kigali Golf Club’s key sponsors and partners have injected Frw6 million in the coveted event that is set to be annual.
