Put more emphasis on Rugby as a sport

Dear Editor, The sport of rugby is one that much emphasis is not put on. As rugby lovers who find a lot of pleasure in this tough game we just can not find a place to watch and support the players.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Dear Editor,

The sport of rugby is one that much emphasis is not put on. As rugby lovers who find a lot of pleasure in this tough game we just can not find a place to watch and support the players.

Football, basketball and tennis grounds are all you will find around the stadium with no sight of any rugby ground. As a reminder not all of us are fans of these games.

In Uganda every one knows what Kyadondo grounds and Kampala club mean. Every weekend people rush to these places just to watch rugby. The game is so exciting.

In Rwanda some space within the city center should be set apart for rugby games. If this happened, Kigali weekends would never be the same again.

Rugby as a sport should not be left out and the sports ministry should invest and give this sport a chance in Rwanda as the fans are eager to cheer.
