Let the rest of the country follow Kigali’s example on sanitation

Yesterday’s issue of The New Times ran a story, ‘The tale of Kigali beautification’, which analysed the various reasons Kigali City authorities have been able to keep the city clean and green. Kigali has prided itself for its safety, cleanliness and overall good standards of living and with good reason.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Yesterday’s issue of The New Times ran a story, ‘The tale of Kigali beautification’, which analysed the various reasons Kigali City authorities have been able to keep the city clean and green. Kigali has prided itself for its safety, cleanliness and overall good standards of living and with good reason.In 2012, Kigali was named in the ‘Top 10 Most Livable Cities in Africa’ by Africa.com, the largest Africa related website in the world. According to the website which ranked Kigali in tenth place, the city has a lot to offer both its residents and visitors as well.  This praise has been earned the hard way, through hard work and community cooperation. The city leadership has gone out of its way to ensure that it has sensitised Kigali residents to respect the beautification culture. It is only because the entire community has gotten involved that this became possible. Various innovations, such as working with various corporate partners to be responsible for certain areas, such as the city’s roundabouts, have reduced the cost of beautification.The rest of the country’s towns and centres must follow Kigali’s example. It isn’t enough to have only Kigali being the ‘shining light’. Each and every urban centre must do what is necessary to improve its appearance. All they have to do is mobilise their residents and great things will happen.