How does the rural African girl child benefit?

Dear Editor, Gender equality is something that people have been talking about for long. As one of the goals of the country’s Vision 2020, but what more practical ways is the government hoping to achieve this balance?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Dear Editor,

Gender equality is something that people have been talking about for long. As one of the goals of the country’s Vision 2020, but what more practical ways is the government hoping to achieve this balance?

The same setbacks that women generally face are still present today and have always been there. For example in the education sector, how are girls especially in rural Rwanda going to be emancipated when the intake of boys in higher institutions of learning is much higher in those areas?

Girls in rural Rwanda can not compete favorably with boys because of the different domestic and cultural barriers they encounter. They have to perform their domestic chores before and after school and there is little or no time to revise.

Possibly to deal with this problem, a system should be introduced where rural girls are admitted with extra free points to universities would be fair. Doing this is just one way out, but it surely makes a difference. Rural girls should not be compared to urban ones.

Kigali Institute of Education