So, how far with those resolutions?

You know, the ‘I’m going to lose weight, stop smoking, go to the gym, eat healthier, be nicer, get richer, quit drinking…twaddle don’t you? I bet a kidney that most of these resolutions are as stagnant as the water mosquitoes love to chill in!

Friday, January 04, 2013

You know, the ‘I’m going to lose weight, stop smoking, go to the gym, eat healthier, be nicer, get richer, quit drinking…twaddle don’t you? I bet a kidney that most of these resolutions are as stagnant as the water mosquitoes love to chill in! Rarely, have I come across a person who sets resolutions and actually sticks to them. I like the way people lie to themselves– I hear –next year I will quit drinking. Dude, why wait for the New Year? If you are determined to quit that liver killer, do it now!You’d think that by now, we would have all wised up to the fine art of setting goals and sticking to them, but year on year we put ourselves through this ritual of setting half-arsed, badly planned out resolutions. Well, I don’t – but I’m sure some of you do!Most people who make New Year’s resolutions fail miserably within the first month or two – and in the case of a few chaps I know, within days of the New Year. And please don’t give me that ‘try and fail’ hogwash! You see, some people make crazy resolutions; dream big – not unrealistic! Building a house is a dream of mine – someday! Right now, resources just won’t let me and don’t say the words bank loan! Saying I will build a house this year would be abusing hope! Don’t tell me I don’t dream big enough, I do… huge ass castles in the air that Ryan Reynolds and I will live in once he divorces Blake Lively. But then when I’m back from illusion, I realise it is going to take more than a dream to get that house up so I turn to easier things like learning Kinyarwanda instead! Some chap told me that his New Year resolution is to quit drinking – which is beautiful seeing as I was once ready to send his CV to Braliwa the jiffy they were in search of a Chief Taster – but we are days into the New Year and the man hasn’t had a sober night! He insists he will quit, but out of not wanting to bore him with my negativity I let him be, even though I know his love for the evil drink is stronger than his will to quit! I dare you to start that work out and diet you already have listed on your fridge (tomatoes and cucumber for lunch, is it?), to throw away the cigarette or pour the beer in the sink and say - no more! You can’t, can you? Don’t worry, you are not alone!