My appeal to leaders

Editor Thank you President Kagame, for the continuous speeches which are full of wisdom and continue to urge all Rwandans to have a mind set of positive thoughts, ethical values and living a life focusing on selfless interests.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

EditorThank you President Kagame, for the continuous speeches which are full of wisdom and continue to urge all Rwandans to have a mind set of positive thoughts, ethical values and living a life focusing on selfless interests.My advice goes to our leaders to try and live a life of serving the people they lead. We have had servant leaders in Africa like Paul Kagame, Nkwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Julius Nyerere of Tanzania. Innocent Hodali, Kicukiro(Reaction to the story Rwanda on the right track – Kagame that was published on 1.1.2013)