Book: Running by Patrice Fitzgerald

This book mainly focuses on the possibility of the next American President being a woman. Protagonist, Catherine Young, Vice President and newly-anointed Democratic nominee, is surging in the polls.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

This book mainly focuses on the possibility of the next American President being a woman. Protagonist, Catherine Young, Vice President and newly-anointed Democratic nominee, is surging in the polls. The race is on against opposition candidate Jerusha Hutchins, former stewardess and blonde beauty, the darling of the far-right Liberty Party. But with political wunderkind Zane Zarillo running her campaign, Catherine is bound to hold her lead.Suddenly a medical emergency puts the President in the hospital and forces Catherine to act in his place, a perfect opportunity for her to show her Oval Office stuff. Just when her election looks like a sure thing, Catherine’s romantic fling from decades ago comes to light. Will the American public accept a woman with a past? Is the next president going to be a woman?The book offers action, suspense, romance, thus a campaign you’ll never forget because the characters are fascinating. It’s a book one can’t hesitate to read.  According to John Valeri’s review, Running is a political thriller at its core, but it also offers thought provoking commentary on the pressures of public life, the sacrifices made to live such a life, and the choices that one must ultimately consider when attempting to balance the two.