5 ways to keep your children healthy and fit

Don’t rely on organised sports. Just because your kid is on a sports team doesn’t mean that they’re active enough.  Researchers found that the kids spent about 30 minutes of their practice sessions being completely inactive. T

Wednesday, January 02, 2013
Playing is a great way to exercise. Net photo.

Don’t rely on organised sports. Just because your kid is on a sports team doesn’t mean that they’re active enough.  Researchers found that the kids spent about 30 minutes of their practice sessions being completely inactive. They suggest that adults should take a more active role in the practice sessions. Keep play fun. Don’t worry too much about the rules. Making a game or activity too rigid is the best way to guarantee that a kid won’t want to be active. Your job is to facilitate play, not dictate it. So if kids stop playing an organised game and start chasing a butterfly, just go with it. As long as young kids are running, jumping, and having fun, they’re improving their health and athletic ability.Turn off the TV… If you want your kid to get off the couch once in a while, you have to do the same. Turn off the tube. But what about "educational TV,” you ask? Fact is, only 1 out of every 8 shows for children are real learning opportunities.Never reward kids with food. It’s no wonder childhood obesity is so prevalent. There’s nothing wrong with an occasional treat. But to consistently reinforce a kid with ice cream and candy for a job well done—such as finishing his homework—delivers the wrong message.Make a play date with friends. Remember the days of running around with the neighbourhood kids from dawn until dusk? Wasn’t that fun? Well, it’s also an essential way to keep your kid in shape.www.fitzeefoods.com