Let me put this flute of champagne down for just a couple of minutes and wish all you 21st century women a happy New Year. 2012 was personally a great year, I had great success professionally and also relationship wise whether with my family or friends or even men!
Let me put this flute of champagne down for just a couple of minutes and wish all you 21st century women a happy New Year. 2012 was personally a great year, I had great success professionally and also relationship wise whether with my family or friends or even men! They all worked out and I was able to learn a lot about communicating with people around me to have them know how I really feel and not hold it in until I’m a ball of fury – letting it come out at the wrong time. It’s most definitely the wrong way.For women on a global level, there have been ups and downs - ups like the number of women who were voted into the American congress (some even lesbian) shocked people but it also showed that people were learning not to judge people by their sex or lifestyle choices. South Korea elected their first woman President; Angela Merkel came out as a dominant figure in Europe’s mission to get their economy back to a positive number and many other women around continue to do great work. Unfortunately there are downs. The most recent being the rape victim in India, it is very saddening how India’s security authorities have refused to take rape more seriously but hopefully with the rise in awareness and action, it will lead to change and hopefully receive support from women across the world.I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions because I would be disappointed in myself for not being able to keep them but this year I have a pretty general one and a personal one. The general one is about just being a better person. I want to learn how to be more at "peace” with myself because I feel it would help me be a better problem-solver and also not be as stressed. I will definitely start by getting my butt back in the gym, it has been a couple of months but it will be the one place where I’m able to set short-term goals and see results.Also, I will try and pick up one or two hobbies or at least really get back into my old hobbies. I hope I stay true to myself and maintain the sense of peace and happiness that I’m currently feeling - and I promise it is not a result of the bubbly champagne.I hope after my last column you all sat down and thought about what you want from the New Year and I hope this is the week you begin to implement them, don’t say next week or whatever, START TODAY!Okay, back to my bubbly!21st Century Woman