6 New Year relationship resolutions

Be more understanding of your partner’s faults. Sit down with your partner and make a list of things that you’ll agree to nudge each other about.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Be more understanding of your partner’s faults. Sit down with your partner and make a list of things that you’ll agree to nudge each other about.Find happiness outside of the relationship. Think of things that used to make you happy that you don’t do as much anymore, such as taking art lessons, or even just seeing movies your partner doesn’t enjoy—and do them.Increase my gratitude for my partner. Did he get up and clear the dinner dishes without a word, letting you sit and read a magazine? Give him a hug at the sink.Be a better listener. Shouting "Listen to me!” is sure to get the other person to shut down, but sharing a few minutes of mutual active listening gets resultsShow more interest in my partner’s life, work and interests. Try to notice things your partner is doing, and comment on them.Institute a date night. Try some date-night foreplay, like sending an email or leaving a note for your partner saying how much you’re looking forward to the date.www.womansday.com