Be a greater friend this yearLearning to love veggies

Miss Lillian’s school class learned about eating foods that were healthy and good for them. Instead of eating sweets, cakes, pies and chocolate biscuits, she taught them to eat fruits and vegetables.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013
Veggies are goo for you. Net photo.

Miss Lillian’s school class learned about eating foods that were healthy and good for them. Instead of eating sweets, cakes, pies and chocolate biscuits, she taught them to eat fruits and vegetables."Teacher, what is the best fruit to eat?” Jack raised his hand to ask."We all like different fruits. My favorite fruit is strawberries. What is yours, Jack?”  Miss Lillian smiled."I like bananas,” Jack said."I like apples, teacher,” Angela said."Teacher, I like grapes, oranges, pears and tomatoes,” Irene said."A tomato isn’t a fruit. Irene doesn’t know anything, teacher.” Robert stuck his tongue out at Irene."Robert, stop that. It happens that Irene is correct. A tomato is a fruit. What is your favorite fruit, Robert?”"I guess I like lemons,” he said."Robert likes lemons. That means he’s a sour puss,” Irene taunted."Class, all fruits are good for you. Now, what about your vegetables? Who likes to eat vegetables?” The teacher looked at each student. None of them raised their hands. "You mean none of you likes any vegetables?”"I guess I like carrots,” Patricia said, "but only if they are raw.”"I like green pepper, teacher,” Andrew said. "My mom says it’s good for me.”"It is. I think we’re going to have a parade. I want each of you to draw your favourite vegetable. When you’re finished we’ll make them into flags and walk around the school. Everyone will see our favourite vegetables.” The teacher instructed the students to get out their crayons and paper.When they’d finished, she stapled each drawing to a wooden dowel. "There now, you’ve all got your flag. Let’s start our parade.”The children marched around the school waving their flags back and forth. The other classes stopped to look. When they got back to class, the teacher said, "There now! You just taught the whole school about how good vegetables are for them. Take your flags home and ask your mother’s to fix you your favourite vegetable for supper tonight.”Can you do the same?