More efforts needed to stamp-out drug abuse

Editor,In reference to your recent story entitled “Muslim community in fight against drug abuse.’ This is a welcome move.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Editor,In reference to your recent story entitled "Muslim community in fight against drug abuse.’ This is a welcome move.There is no doubt on whether drug trafficking is a challenge to the country.The police have been fighting this vice for long-from Kayonza to Nyagatare and from Gicumbi to Burera-burning several litres of the banned brew (Kanyanga) impounded from its smugglers.These drugs are said to be lucrative business.Yet, the people who are engaged in this illegal business have not necessarily uplifted their economic welfare.Fighting drug trafficking and sale is a difficult and dangerous undertaking, partly because the perpetrators have a wide network found among the population. In local government circles, the story has been frustrating.The grassroots leadership is struggling to keep a clean image against a tide of accusations of complicity in the illegal trade. Broad range of actors should therefore be involved in the fight against this vice. Karim Songa, Rwamagana