Encourage private medical practice

Editor,Yes, Rwanda has made great strides to provide affordable and accessible health care to all citizens thanks to the political will and various policies that have been put in place such as the medical insurance schemes.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Editor,Yes, Rwanda has made great strides to provide affordable and accessible health care to all citizens thanks to the political will and various policies that have been put in place such as the medical insurance schemes.

However, these insurance schemes on the other hand have acted as stumbling blocks to the development of private medical care due to tight regulation of prices for medical services. This has affected the quantity and quality of private medical services that are available in the country. It is equally important that policies are put in place to encourage development of private medical practice to complement the public medical services that are in most cases crowded.

Mugabo, South Africa(Reaction to the article, "How health insurance has closed gap in quality health care”, The New Times, December 29).