Six billion spent on housing for Veterans

THE government through the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC) has so far spent over Rwf6 bn to build houses for ex-combatants living with disabilities in various districts.

Sunday, December 30, 2012
Some of the houses that have been built for ex-combatants.The New Times / File.

THE government through the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC) has so far spent over Rwf6 bn to build houses for ex-combatants living with disabilities in various districts.  The beneficiaries are veterans in category I and II in Rwamagana, Kayonza, Ngoma and Nyagatare among other areas, according to Jean Sayinzoga, the Chairman of RDRC.  Ever since the housing programme started in 2008, 469 houses have been constructed. Each house is worth over Rwf12 million.  Among these, 190 are for ex-combatants in category I while 279 are for those in category II.   "The first beneficiaries in category I from the various districts occupied these houses in 2009, and another pool of 28 houses were built and completed in April this year,” Sayinzoga told The New Times.   Construction for veterans in category II started with 16 houses which were completed last year in August. The second phase for 138 houses started in September last year and was completed in March this year.   Next year, the commission plans to construct 126 houses, according to Sayinzoga. Ten houses will be built for those in category I while 106 are for ex-combatants in category II.   This is estimated to cost the commission over Rwf1.6 bn. The commission also provides a monthly upkeep as well as health insurance cover commonly known as Mutuelle de santé to the veterans. Yvonne Muhongayire, the Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs in Rwamagana district, one of the districts where the commission has constructed more houses, said that ex-combatants in the area are set to benefit from other government programmes. "The district is ready to give the necessary support to ex-combatants to ensure that they are not left behind, but move at the same pace with all the other members in our community,” Muhongayire said. She added that among other things, the district would connect power to the houses built for the ex-combatants.