…always ask you for their Christmas. I honestly didn’t think I would have to hate people even as the New Year was peeping. This is because on Christmas Day I think I ate enough food to feed a whole refugee camp.
…always ask you for their Christmas. I honestly didn’t think I would have to hate people even as the New Year was peeping. This is because on Christmas Day I think I ate enough food to feed a whole refugee camp.
Ok, that is not the topic. All I want to say is that I hate idle people who meet you and ask you for ‘their’ Christmas. What the hell do they mean by such stupid questions? Who told them that at my house I have a place where I hide other people’s Christmas? Christmas is for everyone as you can see from every calendar. So please stop asking. Some of us want to get to 2013 peacefully. …insist on wishing you well during the festive season. Can someone tell me why I should not hate this people with frozen brains? I am talking about the ones who wish you well during the festive season. They caution you to stay safe. Well thank you but why do you have to say this only during the festive season? Are you trying to imply that after the festive season it is safe for me to die or what? Very soon the festive season will be over but we shall still need to be safe and well. If you are to swish me well just say it do not put time limits by saying I wish you well during the festive season. …think it is ok to get so drunk during the Christmas season. I really don’t know how many times people have to be reminded that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ and not the onset for alcohol consumption records. In these past days whether day or night, I have seen so many drunken people some of them even driving cars and thus putting so many lives at risk. But who honestly told these vagabonds that it is ok to drink all their earnings and get so drunk that they can barely tell whether they are male or female! I think if Jesus was to look at some of these jokers he would never change water to wine ever again. …make it a point to also slaughter and eat animals on Christmas. First of all, please allow me to inform you all that I actually ate some chicken and beef on Christmas Day. However later on I felt quite sorry for the thousands of chicken, cows, turkeys or pigs that have lost their lives in these past days. Do you guys even realise that when we all do this at Christmas then it is some sort of massacre on the animal kingdom? If I have decided to eat some chicken on Christmas then the rest of you should do that later on in the New Year so that some animals don’t have to face extinction.…wish me a very good New Year 2013. Before you think I have gone crazy I would like you to know that I have also experienced the same thoughts concerning my state of mind. But on a serious note, it is not a good idea to wish The Hater a very good New Year. You can wish me a good year and stop there. Once you wish me a very good one that will mean that I won’t be writing this column again since the year will be so good with almost nothing to hate. And that would mean not getting my pay cheque. As for you my lovely readers, I wish you a prosperous New Year 2013. Do not stop reading, supporting and loving The Hater if you do not want my hatred directed at you. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293The Hater