Be a victor, not a victim in 2013

It’s sad that for some people it a history that has been repeating itself year in, year out. Same New Year’s Resolutions, same discouraging results, same bad habits, same frustrating income, same fears, same life.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

It’s sad that for some people it a history that has been repeating itself year in, year out. Same New Year’s Resolutions, same discouraging results, same bad habits, same frustrating income, same fears, same life.For sure 2012 has been a tough year, especially financially and economically. As it comes to an end, many people are feeling as if life has been punching them using Mike Tyson’s fist. They are feeling so exhausted like a giant who has been walking with the legs of a mosquito because of the challenges, worries, fears, frustrations and disappointments that hang over their necks this year.There are those who had planned to get married this year but no potential spouse showed up. There are those who had hoped to buy their first car, plot of land, house or any other valuable thing but life didn’t agree. Some people had hoped to resign from their frustrating jobs and start their own businesses but somehow things couldn’t work out.It’s sad that for some people it a history that has been repeating itself year in, year out. Same New Year’s Resolutions, same discouraging results, same bad habits, same frustrating income, same fears, same life. It’s high time life changed the rhythm of its music. But for this to happen, we must change our strategies and methods. Well, here are some New Year’s Resolutions I recommend for 2013. At a personal level you could have goals such as: I will defeat the bad habits of smoking and drinking by changing company so that throughout the year I am not always amidst those who influence me to practice those habits; I will be dedicating at least 20 minutes to prayer everyday so that I may grow in my faith; I will buy a book each month so that I read and get more knowledgeable; and I will begin waking up at 5:30am every day and working for at least 14 hours a day so that I may achieve more than those working for fewer hours.At a business/career level you could make resolutions such as: I will cut down my expenditure by 30% and also keep saving 20% of my income so that by the end of the year I am able to buy a Rav 4; I will double my income by discovering how to earn from my talents; I will register my company and start business by the end of February; I will be distributing at least 20 business cards everyday; and I will be marketing myself and my services on facebook at least once a week.Forget about goals like "I want to make lots of money this year” or "I want become very rich this year” which remain hanging without specifying exactly what you want to achieve and how you plan to achieve it. Be specific in the goals and methods of executing them. A victor sets clear goals and clear strategies while a loser sets vague goals and sits back hoping that somehow someone will help him achieve them. The New Year’s Resolution you set for yourself can tell whether you are going to be a victor or a victim in 2013.Bake is the managing director of WORLD OF INSPIRATION & Founder of the AUTHORS’ FORUM in Uganda –