‘Twilight’ named worst movie of all time

No one knows bad movies like alums of “Mystery Science Theater 3000” -- and they say that Bella and Edward’s vampire love makes for the worst movie -- er, movie series -- of all time. Former MST3Kers Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett now riff on bad movies as Rifftrax, and have published a list of the 20 films they pick as the Worst Movies Ever.

Saturday, December 29, 2012
Twilight trio; Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson. Net photo.

No one knows bad movies like alums of "Mystery Science Theater 3000” -- and they say that Bella and Edward’s vampire love makes for the worst movie -- er, movie series -- of all time. Former MST3Kers Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett now riff on bad movies as Rifftrax, and have published a list of the 20 films they pick as the Worst Movies Ever.Of the "Twilight” series, the riffers write, "There’s a lot to cover in this vast, sprawling film series so let us try to boil it down for you: ‘Mumble mumblemumble moon eyes. Mumble mumblemumblemumble lay in a field. Mumble mumblemumbleperv on a baby. Mumble.’” Rifftrax offers humorous commentaries for all of the "Twilight” films except "Breaking Dawn Part 2,” which they’ll surely cover when it’s released on home video."Yes, as the new girl, she’ll fit right in by driving Fred Sanford’s truck,” they crack when Bella (Kristen Stewart) drives her old red pickup to school. And when Edward (Robert Pattinson) throws her a piercing gaze, Nelson notes, "That look is from the ‘Guy You Alert the Flight Attendant About Collection.’”The 1997 superhero film "Batman and Robin” fills Rifftrax’s No. 2 slot, with Halle Berry’s "Catwoman” at No.3 and "Spider-Man 3” at No.4. Some of the films are lesser-known to mainstream moviegoers yet favorites to Rifftrax and MST3K fans, including "Birdemic: Shock and Terror,” "The Room” and "Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny.”