Drive carefully if you want to see 2013

AS we approach the end of yet another year, it is our duty to keep safe and alive. Driving is not just the ability and knowledge to operate a motor vehicle but taking care of others directly and indirectly is involved in your driving.

Friday, December 28, 2012

AS we approach the end of yet another year, it is our duty to keep safe and alive. Driving is not just the ability and knowledge to operate a motor vehicle but taking care of others directly and indirectly is involved in your driving. 

It is not the mere function of moving from place A to place B but departing from that place A and arriving at place B without any undesirable events, arriving safe! Safety is the result of concerted effort by all the stakeholders – road users and the authorities. Safety on the road is for all, i.e. the drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, bystanders, neighbours and the police just to mention the most obvious. As we enter the end of year festivities i.e. Christmas as well as the New Year’s Day, many people have been saving money in order to enjoy the end of year as well as ushering in yet another year. Some people will be travelling upcountry in order to celebrate with members of their extended families and so on and so forth.  Such abnormal travel patterns result into many drivers getting onto the road and increased traffic volumes.  As a result, some may end up getting much more impatient and may want to speed or even over speed so as to arrive faster. Yet some may drive under the influence of either alcohol or other drugs or under stress or lack of adequate sleep or rest, etc. With all sorts of drivers on the roads, we need to take extra caution when driving.   When I was learning how to drive, my instructor always emphasised that, every time I get behind the steering wheel, I should assure myself that I am the only sane and competent driver on the road, and that all the others don’t know how to drive! What am I trying to say? Well, I’m just saying that every driver should be weary of the other driver. This results in careful or defensive driving. If all drivers assumed that the other drivers were amateurs, then they would always drive avoiding getting too close to each other or even taking care not to get their cars damaged by such amateurs!  Someone once said that all taxi drivers are mad. It is common for most drivers to avoid getting close to taxis!   As I said, drinking and driving is a traffic offence worldwide. In many countries, if you get involved in an accident and there is a fatality and it is found that you had taken alcohol, you’re driving permit is suspended for life!  Civilised people no longer drink and drive because alcohol and vehicles do not mix. If you must drink, then do not drive and vice versa. If you end up drinking, it is better to take a cab or even taxi moto home than getting behind the wheel when drunk!  We at Motoring Corner take this chance to thank you all for the continued discipline some of you exercise on the roads and hereby wish you all the best a happy New Year. Please take care so that you can spend many more happy years alive!