Pastors should stop pretence!

Dear Editor, I am greatly concerned with what is going on in churches to day. It is understandable that people must use all means to earn a living. But it is wrong to use dubious means.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dear Editor,

I am greatly concerned with what is going on in churches to day. It is understandable that people must use all means to earn a living. But it is wrong to use dubious means.

Pastors and other clergy men must know that the Bible says that, love for money is the source of evil. It is therefore wrong for clergy men to get involved in business under the pretext of working for the church.

Pastors have now gone in business and forgot everything to do with their congregation and the ‘vision to go to heaven’.

They have consequently been involved in financial scandals and other sorts of evil that have made our spiritual parents not to trust in the society. And ironically they are believed to be the custodians of morals in the society.

That is why I am requesting the body of born-again churches FOBACOR to wake up and do something as far as screening those churches and pastors involved in such ugly malpractices is concerned. If we do not do anything, then our future is doomed.

Thanks to Eugène Mutara who has been highlighting most of the ills in churches.

Concerned citizen
