The Apocalypse; when will it ever happen?

If you are reading this, it means something went terribly wrong (or terribly right) and you didn’t go to meet The Creator! According to the Mayan calendar, the world was supposed to end last Friday, 21/12/2012. According to these guys, the human race was supposed to be wiped out on that day, though they weren’t so sure about the method The Creator was to use.Although the method of destruction was the least of our worries, we went ahead and envisioned how each one of us wanted to go. Some said a gigantic tsunami was to wash us away, others said fire and the creative ones preferred alien machine guns or floods that would make what happened during Noah’s time look like a drizzle!

Friday, December 28, 2012

If you are reading this, it means something went terribly wrong (or terribly right) and you didn’t go to meet The Creator! According to the Mayan calendar, the world was supposed to end last Friday, 21/12/2012. According to these guys, the human race was supposed to be wiped out on that day, though they weren’t so sure about the method The Creator was to use.Although the method of destruction was the least of our worries, we went ahead and envisioned how each one of us wanted to go. Some said a gigantic tsunami was to wash us away, others said fire and the creative ones preferred alien machine guns or floods that would make what happened during Noah’s time look like a drizzle! If you didn’t quiver on hearing the end of the world prediction, chances are you’ve been on this planet a little too long and you have probably heard such predictions more than once.Personally, the first end of the world I survived was in 1999. That apocalypse forecast made me mend ties with the man upstairs. It made sense and it was so believable! The millennium was ending and we were about to welcome another! Which mortal can be lucky enough to enjoy two millenniums?  The Y2K fever got many of us down. Many folks confessed their sins while some delayed paying taxes, and others dug caves. With the help of social media sites, the end-of-the-world terror continued to spread globally. From that year’s Armageddon to the one last week, I learnt one thing. People got older and wiser! In some places, hearts stood still, like in the State of Michigan, a school canceled classes, in France, many people pinned their eyes on a mountain in the Pyrenees as they believed some kind of a spaceship awaited to whisk them away and in China where rumours of the end of the world spread like a wild fire until the government intervened to cool the situation. While earthlings across the globe were pondering their next move, whether or not to believe the Mayans, people here were calm and brushed off the rumors like they would an irritating fly and went ahead to do things that are more developmental to them!"I personally didn’t panic because I’ve heard this before- in the 80’s - when rumours spread about a monster asteroid that was going to hit Earth to pulp, like all other fools, I sold off all my possessions a few weeks early and had fun. I saw no point in dying and leaving all the stuff I had sweated for. Well, partying I did, and the end of the world didn’t happen. But I wasn’t the only fool, my neighbour, a staunch catholic, dumped his wife as he couldn’t go to heaven with a woman he wasn’t legally married too,” said Federico Rumanzi, an octogenarian. Over the years, people have come up with dates confirming the world’s end only to embarrass themselves and disappoint their followers. The world’s history is littered with doomsday prophecies that have come and gone. The end of the world seems to fascinate millions of people, the excitement of how it is going to happen gives many people a thrill, thoughts of our own extinction give many people a kick.But what do local religious leader have to say about this? Sheikh Rusagara Khalifan states that, Islam acknowledges doomsday but the hour is known by only Allah. "The Holy Quran explicitly states that Allah alone knows the Hour. So there is no indication in the Quran or the words of the prophet Muhammad that prove 2012 is the end of the world,” said Sheik Khalifan.Pastor Akayezu Verida of the Faith Centre Ministries found the end of the world prediction quite funny. "He who created the universe knows when the trumpet will sound! As for the rest of us, all that is asked of us is to polish our ways,” she said. "Although the world didn’t end last week, the day of the lord will surely come, probably announced,” she said.Well if anyone feels disappointed that the world that didn’t come to an end, don’t despair; there are many more doomsdays to come. There’s one to come, envisaged by Rashad Khalifa, an Egyptian biochemist in 2240.  Those who are in a rush, get ready for the January 1 2017 extinction. That’s according to the followers of The Sword of God Brotherhood.As we wait the next Armageddon date, let us make each day we spend on this planet count and leave the seers to keep doing their thing, one thing is for sure, we are not here to stay, maybe one day they will be right. For now, let us assume that the apocalypse was postponed due to technical problems.