Do not associate my wealth with the devil

I am so sick and tired of people connecting every seriously successful person to the devil! I know being broke sucks but we must not take it out on people who choose to work hard.

Friday, December 28, 2012

I am so sick and tired of people connecting every seriously successful person to the devil! I know being broke sucks but we must not take it out on people who choose to work hard. One thing people should remember is that we can’t all be rich. It is just the way it is – so even when you are certain you work harder than anyone on the planet and therefore should have a bank account larger than life itself, if it’s not meant to be, it won’t happen.I remember hearing about Ugandan singer, Jose Chameleone, apparently ‘visiting lakes’ to get rich. I wonder how one does that anyway- does he go by the lakeside and chill and wait for some spirit that lives in the lake to give him bags of cash and make him very popular? I really don’t understand it.I may not know the man well enough to say he would never stoop so low as to ask the devil for help (in exchange for…I don’t know…his soul maybe?) but what I do know is that the man has given his fans hit after hit, and you don’t make hits through being lazy!When I heard about Jay Z and his lovely wife Beyoncé being ‘connected’ to some devilish arrangements (read illuminati), it not only pissed me off but it also made me ache to assure some lazy chaps.You see, while some of us were out folding our skirts to play dodge ball, and boys were climbing trees, Beyoncé was thinking about becoming a superstar. She was a member of one of the greatest girl bands of all time, Destiny’s Child, and this she started as a teenager (at this stage some peeps were just writing silly nothings to their crush in high school). Then she went on to hold her own as a bonafide superstar in her solo career. At 31, she has made more money than some of us will ever make in three lifetimes! As for Jay Z, the man is a hip-hop king - just allow and move on.  So, I kind of get why chaps would be that frustrated but then again, they don’t owe anyone an apology for being rich! Should I become the next Bill Gates (and I will – I had a dream), I don’t want people whispering about my visits to shrines or lakes or underground passages!When my time comes, any ‘friends’ who long forgot my number can keep it that way! Happy 2013