It should be Ethiopian children instead

Dear Editor, Responding to yesterday’s article about the former street children who are complaining of shortage food, I can only say that these children are an ungrateful lot.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dear Editor,

Responding to yesterday’s article about the former street children who are complaining of shortage food, I can only say that these children are an ungrateful lot.

These young kids need to understand that there is enough food for them. They only lack a sense of appreciation which I am optimistic that they will develop with time.

I would instead cry for the world to help children in Ethiopia who are starving to death with no sign of food supply. Surely this is an outcry to the rest of the world to run and rescue the children in Ethiopia.

The increasing food prices together with the extending drought, is proving to be one tough blow for the nation of Ethiopia.

These children need to be attended to; otherwise a repetition of the 2003 humanitarian crisis is likely to occur in that country.
