Are New Year resolutions worth the trouble?

They are justifiable The New Year’s resolutions tradition can be traced way back to 153 B.C to Janus, a mythical king of early Rome, whom the month of January is named after. 

Friday, December 28, 2012
Doreen Umutesi

They are justifiable

The New Year’s resolutions tradition can be traced way back to 153 B.C to Janus, a mythical king of early Rome, whom the month of January is named after.  Currently, New Year’s resolutions become practical by 1st January. This is more about doing something new or making a permissible new choice in life. A New Year resolution is a promise you make to yourself and strive to adhere to it. According to Wikipedia, A New Year’s resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. The website further states that the key element to a New Year’s resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and a new beginning. People who commit to a New Year’s resolution generally plan to do so the whole of the following year. Some New Year’s Resolutions include breaking habits that are harmful to your health by adapting to a healthy lifestyle, setting goals and trying to achieve dreams. For instance, I personally know of people that quit smoking on the eve of a new year and have been committed ever since yet they had tried to do so several times before but failed. Setting a New Year resolution can be compared to taking part in a race so as to reach the finishing line. When you are running or swimming, your main focus is the finishing line and so is the person who is trying to achieve their New Year resolution. To achieve a New Year Resolution, you have to make extreme sacrifices. Last year, my workaholic Uncle realised that he was losing his family because he didn’t spend enough time with them as he was busy making money. He realised how his absence affected his family when his four- year -old daughter told him that she wished the whole year was filled with Christmas and New Year celebrations so that she could always get a chance  to sit on her dad’s lap every evening to watch cartoons. His New Year resolution was to spend more time with family and friends which he achieved because this Christmas the girl had no complaint. What was your resolution this year? Did you achieve it? What will be your New Year Resolutions and what measures have you put in place to achieve these resolutions?