We welcome customers’ criticism

Dear Sir, We write in response to the letter which appeared in your paper recently on Friday, May 30th 2008, referring to our customer service and the system we recently installed in Remera.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dear Sir,

We write in response to the letter which appeared in your paper recently on Friday, May 30th 2008, referring to our customer service and the system we recently installed in Remera.

May we point out that we welcome your reader’s comments on our service, and value every feedback we get regarding our efforts to offer our customers a good experience as they access our services.

As has been expressed elsewhere in the pages of your paper, good customer service is not a skill, but an attitude of mind and eventually a culture in an organization, that needs to be cultivated. 

This takes time - but our customers do well to be patient and give us feedback. This is extremely helpful as we develop this culture in our bank.

We are pleased that the QMS system has brought about further improvement. The system will now be installed in all the branches.

Your reader’s comments are nevertheless well noted, thank you.

BCR Marketing and Communication Manager