DRC has the obligation to protect all citizens

Editor,It is not understandable that a human being be persecuted in his own country for speaking this or that language. This only happens in DRC.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Editor,It is not understandable that a human being be persecuted in his own country for speaking this or that language. This only happens in DRC.

Some few years back, I was surprised to hear that there was a tribe in DRC called Banyamulenge! And this was echoed by international media with every bad intention because the architects of that supposed tribe aim to persecute all the people speaking Kinyarwanda or Kirundi! Everyone knows that Mulenge is just a village! Anyway, what I want to say is that DRC Government has to protect all its citizens including foreigners living on its territory.The Kinshasa Government has the duty to protect all its citizens in their different languages! The East African Community, the African Union and the International Community may want to encourage the Kinshasa Government to understand that all the Congolese speaking other languages have the same rights as those speaking Kinyarwanda or Kirundi!Failure to understand that will be the cause of continuous political and security instability in DRC.  Hope this situation will change positively for the betterment of all the Congolese citizens and their neighbours.Hilary Ntakiyica