Tis the season to introduce your boyfriend

Dear It’s a Guy Thing,With the holiday season coming up, I have a feeling I want to invite my boyfriend to finally meet my parents. They are aware of him and he has mentioned it in passing that he would be able to come.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dear It’s a Guy Thing,With the holiday season coming up, I have a feeling I want to invite my boyfriend to finally meet my parents. They are aware of him and he has mentioned it in passing that he would be able to come. I want to ask him without sounding like I’m taking the relationship to a level he is not ready for. Do guys deep down inside want to be included in family events and should I just get over my fear and ask him?LeonieDear Leonie,Well, all I can tell you is this; if the fellow sees you as a long-term prospect, then he’ll allow to meet the parents. However, if he’s still debating whether you are merely a fling, then forget about it. Meeting the parents is a pretty intense exercise. Usually the parents don’t like you simply because you’re taking away their precious daughter away from them (if not bedding her as well). So, unless a guy is extremely serious about you, meeting the parents is a no-go area.However in your case, it seems to me that he’s willing to meet them. A guy wouldn’t say such a thing ‘in passing’. He’s telling you that he is ready to meet them and take the relationship to another level. He’s ready to take it to the ‘meeting the parents’ stage.