It’s that time again

It’s that time of the year where I sit and wonder how the year went so fast, trying to reflect on whether it was a good year or not. Personally, I had a great year and I hope all you 21st century ladies out there had a good year too.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It’s that time of the year where I sit and wonder how the year went so fast, trying to reflect on whether it was a good year or not. Personally, I had a great year and I hope all you 21st century ladies out there had a good year too.One may ask, what exactly is a good year? Well, a good year is when you feel blessed – with that sense of accomplishment and general love for your family and friends. This morning I woke up complaining to anyone who cared to listen to me about some skin irritation on my face and and I actually went as far as saying that I have a "disease” on my face…yes I know I can be quite the drama queen sometimes but with all the season’s festivities, I want my skin in tip-top shape. Anyway, I was told, I should be happy that I actually don’t have a disease and that it will clear up soon, in other words, ‘‘shut up’’ ! As the year comes to an end I thank the Higher Being up there for my health (the couple of pounds I gained, I take full responsibility for- a little too much wine and pizza), my family and friends get to see a lot more of me since I’m now learning to balance everything along with my crazy job that I would never trade for anything.This is not to say there haven’t been times when I wanted to run out of my office screaming and never look back or when I wanted to hang up on my mom when she went on one of her rants or when I felt my friends just didn’t understand how tired I was but I woke up the next day breathing and able to move on.I’m not really into New Year resolutions but I feel like 2013 will be an even better year. I feel for once in my life, my mind and my heart are very clear on what they want and I’m willing to work for them. So join me in sitting down with a nice cup of tea and throw on some music and think about where you want to be by the end of 2013 even if it’s just two or three things, be realistic about it and it shall happen. So it should act like a vision board or something similar to the theme in the book "The Secret”, if you plan it and believe it will happen, it probably will.But I really do hope Santa brings me that awesome oven I have been eyeing (yes,sharpening my cooking skills is on my 2013 list of things to do), it’s never too late. Also I hope you have your finest dress for New Year’s Eve, you never know who you will meet.Happy holiday ladies!