To health and happiness

The holiday season is a time of celebration and merry making, catching up with old friends and extended family.For many families; it is a time of feasting and special foods. Some of my fondest holiday memories include huge extravagant buffet style luncheons at my grand parents’ house with all aunties and uncles and cousins.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Izela Barlow

The holiday season is a time of celebration and merry making, catching up with old friends and extended family.For many families; it is a time of feasting and special foods. Some of my fondest holiday memories include huge extravagant buffet style luncheons at my grand parents’ house with all aunties and uncles and cousins.  And my grandmother’s Christmas cook-fest continues to be a much anticipated family tradition. However it is now more of a BYOF – Bring Your Own Food affair and there is always a cook-out Extreme barbeque to follow the 3 hours of the drawn out luncheon. I tell you in all truth it is a bit like food binge-ing with a meat-fest climax!Today as a parent, you purpose to teach your children good and proper eating habits because you know indulgence, especially on the sweet sugary snacks equals indigestion at a most awkward and inconvenient hour of the night. You know that the Christmas celebration is really bad eating habits for the holiday season which we would all have done well to refrain from but with all the tempting aromas, the excitement and the general focus on food and merry making, you found yourself snacking every few minutes, stopping for a bite or two each time the children asked for a cookie, a sweet, a soda, etc. True to form, come midnight, it was another sleepless night of belly aches and trips to the bathroom. It can be difficult for adults and children alike to show restraint when there is a variety of all the indulgent tempting foods and sweets around. I know that most parents probably don’t want to be arguing with their children about food over the holidays. It is after all the festive season but it is also a good chance to maximise family time which is not best spent bickering with the children. You tell yourself that a little indulgence at this time of the year is not the end of the world. Besides it will be pretty hard for a parent to effectively deter the children from snacking on cookies, licking cake mixing bowls, and alternating that with a scoop or two of ice cream or fizzy drink when the parent is indulging just as much.However the indulgence has only spelt 2 consecutive sleepless nights for me - Christmas Eve preparing for all the festive celebrations and Christmas night trying to fix the damage. It is no wonder the house is not back in order yet. The children are napping most of the day on Boxing Day which probably means another sleepless night trying to calm overexcited littleones who are still full of energy till late in the night, having rested most of the day.Next year and for this New Year celebration I purpose to think up more constructive ways of celebrating rather than an over-the-top food fest. I will fill my table with well presented but healthy foods. I shall encourage everyone to alternate drink (sugary or alcoholic) with life-giving water! May your home be filled with good health and happiness this season!Wishing you Healthy end of year celebrations.Feast in moderation!