Forget the negativity, be merry this festive season

The festive season – there is no better time to show those closest to you just how much you love them. Forget all the bickering, complaints, accusations, resentment or any other negative issues you may have had with your loved ones.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Rachel Garuka

The festive season – there is no better time to show those closest to you just how much you love them. Forget all the bickering, complaints, accusations, resentment or any other negative issues you may have had with your loved ones.Unfortunately, some people were not able to get this far, so it would be nice if the ones still in your life knew just how much you appreciated them and that all is forgiven and forgotten.I know pride can get the better of an individual sometimes and it’s completely understandable – I mean, how do you start patching things up with that friend who ‘stole’ your catch or that guy who didn’t hesitate to tell the ‘whole world’ how he dumped you but some things are simply not important.Call the friend you have been meaning to call, go see the relatives you’ve been dodging for quite some time now, say ‘Merry Christmas’ to that nosy neighbour even when you wish they could simply take a hike.Try to leave all the negativity in the past where it belongs and start the New Year on a clean slate – there is no better feeling than that, you can bet on it.Should you insist on carrying the issues 2012 traumatized you with, best believe that even 2013 will be nothing but stress and negativity. It might be easier said and done- I know, but it won’t hurt you try.Need some ideas on what to do this festive season? Here are some ideas from Yahoo that will surely rock the end of this year.•    Bake Christmas cookies or candy. Deliver them to friends and family.•    Play board games or cards together.•    Do a puzzle together.•    Go Christmas Caroling. Be sure to visit the local nursing homes.•    Visit old friends. Tell them how much you have enjoyed having them in your life.•    Have a family slumber party. Bunk out on the family room floor together.•    Have a Christmas movie marathon, both old and new movies.•    Attend a Christmas church service as a family.•    Make homemade Christmas ornaments.•    Make a video to send to far away friends and family.•    Spend time together just talking.Let’s not get carried away with too many ideas, and make no mistake about it, I saved the juiciest ones for myself – yeah, I’m selfish like that! Seriously though, there is a whole lot of fun stuff to do to bring the year to a ballistic end, and they all come through one word – LOVE!That said, I wish you all a very merry festive season and may all your dreams and hopes for the New Year come to.