Kigali hospitals deliver 34 Christmas babies

Thirty-four babies were born in different Kigali hospitals on December 25 - Christmas Day -  the same  day Christians world over celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thirty-four babies were born in different Kigali hospitals on December 25 - Christmas Day -  the same  day Christians world over celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.A tour carried out by The New Times yesterday to the main hospitals around the city indicates that among the new born, 13 were girls.The hospitals visited include, Kigali Central Teaching Hospital (CHUK), King Faisal hospital, Muhima Maternity Hospital, Kacyiru Police Hospital, Rwanda Military Hospital-Kanombe, and La Croix du Sud Hospital, the latter being a popular maternity facility in the city.The jubilant mothers interviewed at different facilities said it always adds to a mother’s joy when they give birth on a memorable day like christmas, especially when you are a Christian.Alphonsine Murorunkwere 33, from Rwezamenyo sector Nyarugenge district delivered a baby girl - her second child - at Muhima Hospital, and said that this was the perfect Christmas gift for her. "It was a few minutes past midnight when I delivered, I am very happy because I delivered at the same time as Mary the mother of Jesus. I am now celebrating a double feast, Jesus reborn with my kid which is a good sign for our family as Christians,” said Murorunkwere.She had a natural birth, which she said was yet another blessing. "I was supposed to deliver on third January next year according to predictions from doctors. God made it happen on Christmas and it’s a blessing to my family, I will name my girl Mukanoheli,” she added. Gloria Mukantabana 32, from Bweramana sector in Ruhango district who delivered a baby girl at CHUK said that though the birth was by caesarian, it was a great pleasure to give birth on Christmas."Naturally it is a pleasure for a woman to give a life. But on top of this joy I had my boy on Christmas, I really cannot ask for more,” she said. Felicienne Nyiramana who had her second child also said that doctor has told her that she will deliver on January 1 but it came soon as miracle of God."My partner and I are very proud of the second born we have got on Christmas which came as a surprise, we will definitely give our kid a name that connotes the day though we have not yet decided which. I am also blessed as I delivered without any difficult,” said Nyiramana.  Grace Umumararungu who is midwife at Muhima hospital said that parents who deliver on Christmas are normally happier that the rest. "Normally the process of giving life is painful for the mothers but for most of those that deliver on Christmas it’s a different case, they always emerge stronger because of the coincidence,” Umumararungu said.Most of the babies in Kigali were born at Muhima Hospital (12), followed by Kacyiru Police Hospital, 7, Kibagabaga 7, Croix du Sud 5,  King Faisal-Kigali 1 and Military Hospital also had one baby born there.