District Tender Committee, Hospital Board reshuffled

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — The District Advisory Council (DAC) has reshuffled Byumba Hospital’s Board of Governors and Gicumbi district’s Internal Tender Committee. The reshuffle was carried out last Friday.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


GICUMBI — The District Advisory Council (DAC) has reshuffled Byumba Hospital’s Board of Governors and Gicumbi district’s Internal Tender Committee. The reshuffle was carried out last Friday.

"The changes at Byumba Hospital Board of Governors are due to Ministry of Health new jurisdiction governing all Hospitals Board of Governors, while the District Internal Tender Board members had completed their two year term and needed to be replaced”, said Gicumbi DAC’s Chairperson, Nirere Beatrice.

The Ministry of Health’s new rules require Government Hospital Board of Governors to appoint one representative from the civil society, Private Sector and the District Council.

It also requires the appointment (to the board) of a Health Centre tutor elected by colleagues, the district Executive Secretariat and the Director of the Hospital who becomes the secretary of Board of Governors.

The new Board of Governors at Byumba Hospital comprises of Jackson Mutabazi as the President of the Board who is also the Vice Chairperson of Gicumbi DACl, Joséphine Mujawiyera representing the district Private Sector, Anasthase Byaruhanga representing the Civil Society, the director of Byumba Hospital Deocles Mukama as the Board Secretary and Benjamin Ndayambaje representing the district employees.

The district Internal Tender Board’s new members include the district Directors of Good Governance, Emmanuel Twagiramukiza as President of Internal Tender Board, Julienne Uwamahoro of Education and Adéline Kanyamugenga of Lands. The board also included Debora Umulisa and Richard Gakwerere to represent district employees.

The DAC also elected Angelique Mukamushumba as one of its three DAC secretaries.
