Transport agency officials arrested

THE Director General of the Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA), Dr. Elias Twagira Mathaniya, and two junior colleagues, were on Wednesday arrested on suspicion of violating tender procedures.

Saturday, December 22, 2012
HELD: Dr. Elias Twagira.

THE Director General of the Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA), Dr. Elias Twagira Mathaniya, and two junior colleagues, were on Wednesday arrested on suspicion of violating tender procedures.The others are Elysée Rwambura, Head of Maintenance, and David Nyirimanzi, Acting Head of Development, according to Police Spokesman Supt Theo Badege."The three were handed over to prosecution on August 20,” he said without divulging further details.The New Times could not get the specifics of the case as efforts to get a comment from prosecution were futile by press time.Breach of tendering procedures is one of the most committed offences in the public sector, according to the Auditor General’s Office.RTDA, a public institution with legal personality, administrative and financial autonomy, is responsible for managing day-to-day aspects of the transport sector in the country.